Exoshock presents at Agri World in Paris

This week Roberto Pasqualino, Head of Model Development at Exoshock, is in Paris presenting at Agri World 2018, the 11th World Congress on Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture. His talk will focus on the way in which Exoshock’s model can be used as reference for supporting data transparency within complex agriculture to support investments decisions with various targets (one of which is food security).
Exoshock provides economic forecasts and opinions based on a holistic view of world and regional economies. It takes into account key resources such as food, water, land, energy, minerals & the composition of the global population using a dynamic, network model. Exoshock’s objective is to support public policy makers, NGOs and leading industry players with global statistical data, relevant models, analysis and a range of possible outcomes for relevant scenarios. They provide decision makers with long term opinions based on the best available historical data.